Frustrated with sales staff that can’t answer your questions, or overwhelmed with specifications associated with purchasing the right computer equipment or system?
Allow yourself the peace of mind you deserve, by calling Chinook Computers, before you waste your money on fluff.
What we do, is what we do best!

Computers ...
At Chinook, we do not believe in selling you what you do not need, but only what you require to reduce down time and accelerate profitability, with security always in mind. Our goal is to provide our clients with top quality equipment, efficient networks, and effective data backup and recovery, so you can rest assured that your company will be all that it can be.

Security & Protection ...
Chinook’s many years of expertise in hardware, software, antivirus programs, sales and technical services combined, provide top quality computer components that result in high-powered personalized computer machines and networks, stabilizing client data.

Reliability ...
We have weeded out the junk, and deal only with the best of the best suppliers, so when it comes to component quality, manufacturer’s specifications, and brand names, Chinook’s model enables you the freedom to consider your customer’s needs. How far could you take your business in the near and long-term future, without the down time frustration?

Networks ...
Chinook’s resources and skills are geared toward small to medium size businesses, ranging from 4 to 25 computers, both independently run machines or within a network of varying degrees of complexity, including the use of telecommunication technologies for remote workers.

As-Needed Tech Support ...
As-needed technical support provides virtually all services your company requires. From hardware repairs, upgrades, replacement, software and antivirus installations, network start-ups or revamps, to consultations in determining your company’s needs and growth expectations, Chinook Computers is ready to help you succeed.

Data Backups ...
Chinook Computers has combined a unique collection of skills, including network technologies, software, hardware, security, backup systems, and as-needed technical support services to ensure our client’s requirements, desires and needs fulfilled.
Meet “The Professor”
Chinook Computers is owned and operated by Jeff Doncaster, AKA: “The Professor”
Finishing high school in 1975, Jeff participated in the MPH Honor Student Program and majored in Electricity and Electronics. Polishing his skills and interests, Jeff attended SAIT University in 1979, mastering the Digital Logic Accredited Program to then be recruited by SAIT University to teach a 10-day Basic Electronics Course at Medicine Hat College.
Jeff started his career in electronics working his first job with business machines, offered to him by AB Dick, repairing photocopiers. From 1977 to 1995, Jeff worked for Calgary Copier, a Canon Inc. dealer. He served as Lead Technician, Assistant Service Manager, Retail Center Manager, and Company Trainer. Jeff’s work with sophisticated digital copiers and networking them for clients, such Trans Alta Utilities, the City of Calgary, Riley’s and the University of Calgary, was recognized by his peers when he was given Canon’s highest honor for technical skill, the Grand Service Master Award.
During his time with Calgary Copier, from 1977 to 1996, Jeff was sponsored to attend SAIT University. Training in electronics and digital courses, he then taught several company-sponsored personnel and skill development courses designed for Calgary Copier’s employees as well as ongoing machine training. Continuing his career as a Technology Consultant, from 1996 to 1998, Jeff heightened his knowledge and skill through Zarge’s International, as VP Technology for Big Picture Multimedia, and CJ Network Technologies, one of the first commercial web-hosts in Calgary.
His need for education continued as he followed the development and ever-changing technological growth of today’s computers, with training, servicing, and maintenance of various computer systems and networks that have ranged from Windows 3.1 through to Windows 10, and servers ranging from NT 3.51 through to Window Server 2016.
Since 1998 to today, Jeff has converted CJ Network Technologies to a computer services and networking consultancy, renamed as Chinook Computers in 2003. Jeff has assisted the diverse and innovative thinking clientele of Chinook Computers with all their computer and system needs.
Our Mission & Goal
We do what we are passionate about; provide state of the art equipment, customized networks, software, data backups, and as-needed technical support. Obliterating down time and accelerate communication needs, means productivity and profitability for our client’s businesses.

Call Us
(403) 253-2045
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Monday to Friday: 9 am – 5 pm
Weekends: Emergency Services Only